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Welcome to the website for Strathearn Talking News, the Talking Newspaper for Crieff and District in the heart of Strathearn, Perthshire, Scotland.

Strathearn Talking News, formerly known as Strathearn Newstape, was established nearly thirty years ago by local lady Margaret Forrest. The purpose was to provide a free weekly audio cassette, for people who were blind or partially sighted, with local news from the small towns in the rural area of Strathearn.

At the time audio cassettes, or tapes as they were commonly called, were the in- thing and so the name Strathearn Newstape was born. The news comes from the Strathearn Herald, a weekly newspaper which comes out on a Thursday. The newspaper was originally printed at the premises of D. Philips in Comrie Street Crieff, a family run business spanning four generations.

Strathearn Talking News is a registered charity SCO 15628 and is a member of ASTN, the Association of Scottish Talking Newspapers. Run by volunteer readers and copiers, several of whom have been associated with it for many years, its purpose remains the same as it was all those years ago – to provide an audio recording of local news from the Strathearn Herald for those individuals who are blind or partially sighted.

Experienced readers read and record all the News Reports as well as Letters to the Editor, Intimations of births, marriages and deaths, Planning Applications, Memory Lane articles from previous years, a Diary of upcoming events, news from the Clubs and Organisations and some Sport news.

Over the years, technical problems arose with the old cassette copying decks when they no longer reproduced a quality sound for listeners. At that point, it was decided to “Go Digital”- to purchase new digital equipment for the readers and copiers, and to be able to provide listeners with a weekly memory stick and a memory stick player completely free of charge.

In order to fund the “Go Digital” process an application to Awards for All, part of the National Lottery Grants system, was made. It was a great thrill for the volunteers to learn that in June 2014, a sum of money was granted from Awards for All. This sum of money would enable Strathearn Newstape, as it was then, to purchase the necessary digital equipment to allow us to continue to provide our listeners with local news from the Strathearn Herald in a new digital format. Strathearn Newstape then became Strathearn Talking News.

We are very fortunate to have support from Crieff Drama Group who provide occasional themed drama recordings which we can then pass on to our listeners.

If you or someone you know would like to receive this free service, please contact us via our Contact Page.


Strathearn Herald Photowhite-spacerStrathearn Newstape Award


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